My lighted case with antiques and collectibles....it changes seasonally!

My 6" lighted Halloween Tree with my collection of Radko ornaments.

This doesn't look very big but the opening is 10' x 3' x 2'. It's the perfect spot to hold my Dept. 56 Halloween Village.

This twin-sized Halloween quilt was designed and pieced by me.

Cool lampshade, eh? I found this at Dragonfly Design Studios
Love seeing these pictures -- please show more:)
Also I'd love to see your craft room -- can't imagine what THAT looks like!
Love your Halloween decorating Kris! I think the quilts are absolutely stunning!
Great blog! Loved reading through all of your posts.
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Our family is equally obsessed with Halloween and decorating for this holiday. I stumbled upon your blog. You do amazing work and I'm enjoying browsing through your linked artists. Feel free to check out our decorations on my blog. kenward.blogspot.com
Happy Haunting!!
Thanks so much for sharing your decorating ideas with us!! This shade is AWESOME~! I am in AWE of how much Halloween "stuff" you have! WOW ... looks fantastic!!
I bet your house is amazing at Halloween time. I love the quilt and the lampshade cover.
Your house looks wonderful! The quilt you designed and made is an absolute masterpiece. I'm so glad thare are still people so enthusiastic about goblins and withches. It seems that Halloween often gets a bad rap and I think it's the most fun holiday of all.
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