Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Time to Sign Off for Another Year...

Halloween is over for another year.  I would like to thank all my faithful followers and I hope you've enjoyed your stay.  I will post occasionally but it's now time to put this blog to bed until Spring, 2011.  I hope you will continue to follow my art journey at my year-round blog, Nostalgic Collage:


  1. of course i've had a wonderful time looking at all your halloween art ... so gorgeous!

  2. Spring will be here before you know it! I guess you have to make room first for visions of sugarplums before moving on to visions of pumpkins and ghosties....pumpkin pie maybe!

  3. Oh my WORD! I just found this site a couple days ago. Your work is amazing!!!! I, too, love paper crafts, vintage/retro anything, and Halloween. WOW! I will continue to explore more of your site and works. I also put a link to your site on a recent Halloween article on my blog to encourage more visitors to see your talents.

  4. beautful final card on your nostalgic hallowe'en blog. i can't wait to see the beautiful creations for next year! xo


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