Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Marie Antoinette Gothic Arch Swap

**please click on to see the details close-up**

From left:  Wendy Robinson, Kris Dickinson, Rella Gauthier, Rhonda Thomas
Each arch is approx. 4" x 6"

Thank you ladies for a spookily wonderful swap!


  1. WOW all are absolutly gorgeous!
    Hugs Anja

  2. OMG...the crown came off!!! Oh no!! and I used crystal lacquer which never fails me AND I put each one in it's own bubble wrap...I am beside myself. :(

    xox Rella

  3. Sorry Rella!

    My cold medicine is affecting my sight, lol. No worries. The crown has been secured and a new photo has been taken.

  4. i love these. and really your blog is just outstanding! xo


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