Friday, September 25, 2009

Ladies Home Journal, October 1919 Halloween Frolics

***Click on picture to see page full-sized***
This is a page from the October, 1919 Ladies Home Journal....oh that we could buy this stuff now!


  1. Wow! Now THAT'S decorating! The mass produced stuff of today doesn't hold a candle to it.


  2. That stuff is just spooktacular!

  3. This is priceless!! But there are still some good deco tips there (if you have your glasses on, LOL), like using an umbrella for the cat head in the fireplace..awesome! Thanks for sharing!! :OD

  4. And all of these years my husband thought that we were the first generation of women to go hog wild!!!!! :) I just love affirmation that we are just like the ones that came before us! :)


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