Friday, July 17, 2009

Outside the window...

I took this picture outside our kitchen window this morning. This little squirrel was pearched in a cottoneaster bush eating berries. I've never seen a squirrel eat berries...I always thought they just ate seeds. Squirrels remind me of Fall and I hope he doesn't eat all the berries as this bush turns bright red/orange with black berries in the Fall.


  1. This squirrel has a sweet tooth!! How cute... until he invites all his friends and they destroy your yard. Still cute critters though, aren't they?

  2. Ah lovely. I don't believe I have ever seen one eat berries I am going to be looking :)


  3. Oh they eat berries alright...and nectarines. We have a wonderful nectarine tree in our yard that bursts forth with lots of wonderful fruit in the spring. But we have to chase the squirrels off, or feed them constantly from the squirrel feeder or they will eat every last one of them before they are even ripe enough for us to pick.

    We love the squirrels here...but we do battle with them over the fruit every Spring...ha!

  4. Cool picture! You know my Jarek...he loved the picture and was barking at the squirrel. :)


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