2 days before Halloween and this is my front porch! In Parker, CO we've had 22 inches of snow and it's still falling. The last time we had this much snow the week of Halloween was in 1997. Luckily, most of my elaborate decorations are in the house, lol.
I hear ya! I've been out three times to shovel off the drive. I think I have about 18 inches. Stay warm!
Wow, what a contrast to my part of the world. I think we were in the upper 80's today in central Texas. Yikes! Forget about bobbing for apples...I would be bobbing for marshmallows in a punchbowl of hot chocolate if I were in Colorado! The snow looks pretty on your pumpkins. Keep warm and Happy Halloween.
I can't believe you have had that much snow already- wow! Your photos are wonderful and festive! We are still pretty warm here in California- cooler now at night though. Gearing up for trick or treats. Happy Halloween to you and yours!
Hi, Kris! My son lives in Parker also - I actually lived there for two years with him and his family -(2001-2003). Will be there for Christmas/New Year's to visit. Hope there are no blizzards then - was almost stranded in DIA a few years back when they had blizzards/snow three weeks in a row!
Happy Snowy Halloween!!
Wish I was snowed in at your house making cards! :)
I flew through Denver this Sunday, it was a beautiful sight seeing all of the snow-topped mountains. What an interesting decor, lol. Stay warm, I hope you'll still get a trick or treater or 2!! Happy Halloween!!
Love the snow-covered witch, now she's a ghost-witch!
Yeah, I had heard that some regions of Colorado had snow as early as September... Well, I think your decorations looks even more lovely in the snow -- or should I say scary? ;)
Big hugs,
Wow, sorry about the snow, but cool pictures!! :)
Happy Halloween!
A definite "Wow"! Pumpkins do look strange covered in snow rather than fallen leaves.
Make sure you put sal on the walkway so the little kiddies don't slip on the ice and snow:)
Wow! Its been years since I've seen snow this early. Looks quite comical.
Have a safe and happy Halloween.
Now this a little more than frost on the pumpkin. Love seeing your snow since I don't get any.
Wow the pictures are amazing. My sister is in Fort Collins I can't believe you all have so much snow so soon. It was in the high sixties here and is to be towards eighty tomorrow here at the beach. I will think of you.[we get our payback in the form of hurricanes]
Oh my! Hope it melts before the trick-or-treaters come!
I'm glad your decorations are safely inside Kris! That is too much snow, too early in the season. I hope it's not a sign of what the winter season will be like this year. :-(
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